Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

TownSq Help Guides:

How to Register

Setup AutoPay

Link Multiple Accounts 

Invite a Family Member or Tenant

How to Submit an Architectural Review Project

Alliance Help Guide:

Account Creation and Payment Guide

Where do I order Resale Certificate?

You may order a resale certificate at the Goodwin website at and "Order a Resale Certificate" on the top right.  

Teravista has a Round Rock side and a Georgetown side. Is there any difference in how the DCCRs apply based on the side where you live?

No, the DCCRs apply equally to all of Teravista.

Do I have to get prior approval to build a shed, add a patio, add solar panels, put in a pool, or do any other type of home improvement? 

Yes, an Architectural Review Project must be submitted for any exterior modification. Log into and submit a project through Architectural Review. Allow up to 30 days for the committee to review your project.

The fee schedule is as follows:

Minor Improvement: Pergola, patio extension, paint, roof color, etc. - $25

Major Improvement: Pool, patio enclosure, exterior fireplace, exterior kitchen, etc. - $50

Major Improvement: Room addition/remodel up to 250 sq ft - $150

Major Improvement: Room addition/remodel 250-750 sq ft - $275

Major Improvement: Room addition/remodel 750+ sq ft - $400

May I have political signs in my yard during an election? 

You can post signs in your yard for 90 days before the election. Signs must be removed within 10 days after the election, and the sign cannot be larger than 4’ by 6’. You can have only one sign per ballot item or candidate.

May I decorate my house and lawn for the holidays? 

Yes. Winter holiday lights and décor may be displayed no sooner than the first weekend in November. They must be removed no later than January 15th. For other nationally recognized holidays, no sooner than 21 days for the holiday. They must be removed no later than 7 days after the national holiday.

Can I conduct a personal garage sale? 

Teravista advertises and promotes a Neighborhood Garage Sale twice a year which attracts hundreds of buyers from the local area. See our Event Calendar for the dates.

I cannot park all my cars in my garage/driveway. May I get permission to park on the street? 

No, resident parking on the street is not allowed. If you have visitors, their vehicles will be allowed 3 days of parking on the street. Any cars registered to your address will not be allowed to park on the street. You can rent a parking space at either the Residents Club or the Wildflower parking lot for $25 a month, but space is limited.

My fence is starting to show its age. What responsibility, if any, does the HOA have regarding getting my fence replaced?

The HOA does not maintain your fence. If you share a fence with a neighbor and that fence needs replacing, the HOA can assist you in contacting that person for you to seek a shared cost replacement. The HOA does take responsibility for concrete and brick fencing for normal wear and tear. The only approved stain is Behr Natural Cedar Tone ST-533.

What are the rules regarding guests using the amenities, like the pool and workout areas? 

Any Teravista resident 13 years old and older can invite up to 4 guests to enjoy the pool and 1 guest to enjoy the workout facilities. The resident must always accompany the guests. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the property or in the amenities.

What are the rules regarding landscaping and the types of trees and plants I can have in my yard?

The Landscape Committee has developed a Preferred Plant List. Landscape designs need to go through Architectural Review. There is no cost for the application.

My neighbors do not take care of their yards. Can I do anything about that?

If you see this type of situation, please email Compliance

Are there rules regarding putting trash cans out and taking them in?

 Yes, you can put them out after 4 p.m. the night before pick-up and they must be put away by 9 a.m. the day after pick-up.

What are the most common problems the HOA has with the enforcement of the DCCRs?

The three biggest issues we have are parking on the street, yard maintenance, and trash can management.

How does the HOA monitor / discover violations of the DCCRs?

The HOA has an onsite compliance coordinator who conducts random drives each week. The Compliance Coordinator takes photos that accompany a report on the violation.

What happens if I decide I don’t want to abide by these DCCRs? 

That would be unfortunate, but if it happens, you would be fined starting at $25 per event. Those fines can increase to $125 if not resolved quickly. Depending on the violation, the HOA may turn the matter over to its attorney and file suit/ foreclosure to recover its expenses and force compliance. Any violation with a fine will include a $25 certified mail fee, as per Property Code 209.

If I think I have been fined incorrectly, what recourse do I have for reconsideration of the fine?

Please call the HOA office or Compliance. There might have been a mistake or there might be extenuating circumstances that need to be taken into consideration.

Can I rent the Event Room at the Residents’ Club for a party?

Yes, the cost is $75 for 4 hours and a $300 security deposit (an additional $500.00 security deposit is required for alcohol). Seventy-five chairs and nine 6-foot tables are included in the use of the room. No alcohol is permitted without hiring an off-duty police officer to be present during the event. Your account must be in good standing and if renting, you must have a current lease on file.

Can I rent either of the Gathering Rooms at the Residents Club and /or Wildflower facility?

No, these rooms are always available to residents only for enjoyment, so renting them is not a possibility.

Can I reserve a time for my child to have a birthday swimming party with their non-Teravista friends?

Yes, you can reserve a 3-hour time slot on a given day with the HOA staff or on the Teravista website. You can have up to 25 friends come to the pool party. The fee is $75 for 3 hours with a $200 deposit. Alcohol is not permitted for pool events.

Can I fish in the HOA lakes/ponds?

 Yes! They are “catch and release” and we stock each lake/pond once every three years. There are 7 lakes/ponds available to you. Please see for locations.

 Can I fish in the ponds that are part of Teravista Golf Club?

No, the golf course is private property. There are signs posted on golf course ponds that say “Private Property. No Fishing. Golfers Only”. Therefore, fishing in the golf course ponds may result in a trespassing fine.

Can I walk, jog, or ride my bicycle on the golf course cart paths?

No. The golf course is private property, and only golf carts/golfers are allowed to use the cart paths. Additionally, it is very dangerous to use the cart paths anytime there are active golfers. A golf ball can severely injure or even kill you

I live on the golf course and golf balls hit my house or land on my lawn. Can the HOA do anything about that?

Sorry, but no. One of the realities of living next to an active golf course is the potential for an errant ball to land on your property. Neither can you erect a net/barrier to prevent such an event. Damage caused by an errant golf ball is the responsibility and liability of the golfer, and you must contact him/her.

Does the Teravista Golf Club provide any discount to Teravista residents?

Unfortunately, no.

Can I light fireworks around my home to celebrate the holidays?

No, residents are not allowed to set off fireworks anywhere in the community.

Coyotes, deer, and snakes are sometimes seen in the Teravista area. What is the appropriate response to such sightings?

 The HOA routinely has seminars on how to identify and deal with snakes and coyotes, but other than such learning opportunities, the HOA does not provide any guidance or assistance in the event you encounter a wild animal within Teravista. You are encouraged to contact your local Animal Control to seek their assistance/advice on what can / should be done.

How do I obtain or replace a lost amenities entrance fob?

Please stop by the HOA office during business hours for assistance. Homeowners need an active account number, which can be found in your welcome letter. The office can also assist with looking it up.

Tenants will be required to submit the Tenant Occupant Form. The form needs to be completed by both the landlord and the tenant. There must be a 6-month (or greater) lease on file. Month-to-month leases are not permitted. There is a $25 non-refundable registration fee. 

The fee to replace a fob is $30. 

I would like a quiet place to read and/or work without distraction. Does the HOA provide such a place?

The Gathering Rooms at both the Residents Club and the Wildflower facility are intended to be used for this purpose for residents only.

Is there a Facebook page for the HOA and a Website? is the unofficial website. Teravista HOA is the Facebook page. is the official HOA website,

What is a Neighborhood Representative and what do they do?

Each of our 40 neighborhoods has a representative who lives in that neighborhood, and they are charged with the duty to interact with their neighbors and then communicate any issues and concerns to the Board of Directors. A Neighborhood Representative is meeting once every quarter. These are closed meetings. 

Who are the current Board of Directors and how are they chosen?

Board members' names are listed on TownSq in Documents > VRs & BoD List. The Board is composed of 5 residents of Teravista, and each position serves a staggered two-year term, meaning at least two are elected each year by the Neighborhood Representatives.

Who manages the day-to-day operation of the Teravista HOA?

The Board of Directors has hired Goodwin & Company to manage the HOA. Carrie Mitchell is Teravista’s Manager, Kristal Timmerman is the Assistant Manager, Russ Boykin is the Compliance Inspector, and Jessica Haese is the Event Coordinator & Administrative Assistant.

Why are there different HOA fees?

Some neighborhoods pay a little higher fee if they are in a Service Area, but the vast majority of Teravista residents pay the same monthly fee.

I work out of my home, are there any rules regarding home-based businesses?

Yes. The type of work cannot cause excessive parking on the street and no signage can be posted that is seen from the road.

I have a vehicle that has the signage of my company on it. Is it OK to park that vehicle outside in my driveway? 

A truck or car that is covered with company advertisements cannot be parked in a resident’s driveway. A magnetic sign attached to a vehicle door that is no greater than 1½ feet by 2 feet in size is acceptable. Vehicles with a greater amount of signage than this must be parked in the garage. The only exception to this rule is law enforcement vehicles.

I don’t remember signing anything agreeing to these DCCRs. Therefore, am I bound by them?

When you purchased your home in Teravista, the Deed you signed was a restricted deed that referred to the DCCRs, so whether you read them or not, you are bound by them. The same restrictions apply to renters because the homeowner is liable.

 I would like to put my trashcans out along the side of my house. Is that acceptable?

The trash cans must be behind the fence and out of sight, so putting them along the side of the garage is not acceptable.

Sometimes the grass around the two Teravista grade schools gets a bit long and needs to be mowed. Is this the HOA’s responsibility?

No, the respective School Board is responsible for the school property, and, at times, they are slow to get the grass mowed (especially in the summer when no students are in school).

Can I convert my garage into a livable space or workspace?

No. Garage conversions for any purpose are not allowed in Teravista.

I have a dog that loves to run/swim. Can I allow it to run freely in a Teravista park area or swim in the Teravista ponds? 

No. All dogs must be on a leash at all times and allowing them to swim in the ponds is prohibited. We provide a pet grooming facility in the Residents Center complex where you can groom your dog. We also provide pet waste stations along all walking paths and in each of the parks in Teravista. Those stations have dog waste bags and on-site disposal containers for your convenience.

Are there lifeguards on duty?

Teravista does not have lifeguards on duty.

I live in the Gardens. Does Teravista assist with the gates, compliance, or landscaping?

Teravista is happy to help you obtain amenity access. We also maintain the outside wall and landscaping. However, we do not have access to the gate or inside the property. Please contact Inframark at 512.339.6962.